Monday 3 August 2015

etailPR: Network Relaunch!

Time to kill that Monday blues with more exciting news about the NEW NETWORK that goes live THIS WEEK!! The NEW NETWORK is simple to use, looks beautiful and will automatically show you campaigns you are eligible for, tailoring your etailPR experience entirely for you and your blog. (also check out our stunning new logo below)

Tomorrow morning through to the afternoon etailPR we will be going through some downtime where the network will be closed as we go through the VERY exciting process of switching over! So please please bear with us whilst the network is down for this short time as there are many more exciting things to come after this! We really appreciate your patience!

We will keep you updated on Twitter as the process unfolds!

When the network goes LIVE we will email you prompting you to log in, change your password and fill in your GORGEOUS new profile! It would be fantastic if you could do this ASAP! 

This is verrrry important - if your profile isn’t filled in you won’t be able to apply for campaigns and your profile will not appear on the ‘profiles page’ for everyone to see! The new feature of the ‘profiles page’ will be your opportunity to promote your blog to other bloggers and brands alike.

After the switchover any relationship you previously had with any campaigns will unfortunately be wiped clean meaning you WILL have to re-apply from scratch.  But don’t worry; this gives you the opportunity to start a fresh on the sparkly clean new network with us!

Thankyou in advance for all your patience! 
etailPR love x

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